
Сообщения за апрель, 2018

Enhancing Cryptocurrency Mining Via Horizon 4G LTE internet service provider Platform

Spending quite a reasonable time on the internet has given me a great opportunity to measure cryptocurrency level, and conspicuously knowing about it launching in Bermuda and the Caribbean. In the area of internet services and High Definition TV services as well as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Telephone services, the fact that quite a number of fake ICOs proposing almost “the fastest and reliable internet services” to people to mine into cryptocurrency is killing few genuine ICOs . These fake ICOs after attaining reasonable sums of money, the developers decide to abandon the project leaving investors hanging in the air. The story is degraded more with internet service provider platforms which are run by inexperienced team and developers. Have you ever been a victim of such issues? Well, there is still some hope. High speed Internet Service Provider (ISP)is a good thing and needs to be given proper attention. HORIZON COMMUNICATIONS POWERED BY PROFESSIONAL TEAM WORK Amidst t

Casper API - Platform for Dapp Developer

C A S P E R API First system of decentralized cloud-base data storage for DAPPS with a universal API What is CASPER API ? it's an infrastructure project for big data storage on the blockchain, which allows to build a file storage (photos, video, audio, text files and 3D models), to configure the optimal routes of content delivery (CDN), to store backups, to work with corporate data storage. :: CASPER is different :: Many global companies in the world being well proven in offering cloud storage services (Amazon, Google etc.), which are used both by individuals, and companies of various size. and recently, young and ambitious competitors appear who take data storage decentralization as the main principle. Projects (Filecoin, Storj, Sia etc.), which use their own solutions for data storage. Their basic problem, from our point of view, is difficulty to implement and popularize own blockchain, or dependency on a single blockchain platform, and desire to compete with classi

PokerSports ICO (XPST Token) Review — For Smart Investors

Hi guys I’m here to tell you about PokerSports. If you haven’t heard of it already, PokerSports is a gaming company that offers various diverse fantasy sports games that require skill, information and social teamwork. Through the mix of the iGaming and eSports markets, PokerSports hopes to modernize the way fantasy sports are played today. Using the PokerSports Platform, users throughout the world have the opportunity to utilize a remarkable decentralized cryptographic currency, ‘XPST’, PokerSports Token, to play every single accessible games, making for snappy and easy transactions under a trustless framework. The team is absolutely amazing and they have been working on PokerSports as a whole for sometimes now. I have tracked the records of various members of the team and I can say that they are incredibly professional. I personally have done a lot of digging on PokerSports and I am yet to find any major red flag that would make me give up on investing in their ICO. Knowi

Plentix Project

Plentix is ​​a blockchain-based project that aims to balance the referral economy and spread awards to all participants. Merchants, users, friends, even app developers may receive an award in the form of a discount or a Plentix token. The choice to propose ICO instead of traditional seeds and A series funds through venture capital allows community participation and the opportunity for everyone to reap the benefits of a global referral economy. There are many referral styles of programs, awards programs, and agencies that help businesses (usually large businesses) create and operate referral programs. However, there are a number of challenges - from making referrals, compliance, to ensuring safe and secure transactions - which are the main limitations of existing methods. Plentix believes that blockchain allows rejection - which, if the answer allows the referral economy to flourish and provides exceptional PTN token values ​​so that the program's rewards and program awards gr

SprintX – блокчейн система для стартапов, интегрированная с биржевой платформой.

Согласно исследованиям, в прошлом году было чуть меньше тысячи стартапов блокчейн-проектов, из которых 48% завершились успешным сбором. Как узнать, какой проект имеет будущее, какой – нет? Есть ли какие-то стандарты? Возможно, у многих предпринимателей есть отличные идеи блокчейн бизнеса, но им чего-то не хватает. Команда SprintX направлена на создание площадки для обещающих стартапов, где предприниматели смогут найти поддержку и реализовать свой проект. Миссия и работа SprintX Миссия SprintX заключается в создании самодостаточного сообщества, действующего на основе блокчейн технологии и предоставляющего все необходимые инструменты и финансовые учреждения для запуска различных ICО, включение токенов в биржевые торги и конвертация токенов в фиатные деньги. Функционирование SprintX будет осуществляться в 3 независимых системах, SprintX – будет анализировать и контролировать все аспекты новых предложений ICO. Fundación NOVA будет развивать и разрабатывать проекты. SwitchX – б


PayVX adalah teknologi pembayaran tercepat dan teraman di dunia. Layanan escrow moneter dibangun di atas jembatan yang aman dan menciptakan hubungan saling percaya antara kedua pihak untuk transaksi bisnis online. Karena transaksi mata uang tidak dapat diubah, berurusan dengan pihak yang tidak dipercaya menciptakan tingkat risiko yang serius bagi pembeli dan penjual. PayVX memastikan proses ini efektif, memastikan kepercayaan diri dan keandalan untuk menangani aktivitas tersebut. Apa itu lencana PVX? Kartu PVX adalah kartu yang memenuhi ERC-20 yang didistribusikan di meja penyerangan Ethereum. Apakah kartu PVX adalah Kode Keamanan? Token PVX bukan Token Keamanan, seperti yang dinyatakan dalam White Paper kami bahwa Token dimaksudkan untuk digunakan melalui Platform PayVX, jadi ini bukan investasi dan tidak menyediakan gambar apa pun. Kinerja yang menjanjikan di masa depan. Distribusi jelas menunjukkan bahwa token PayVX akan mendukung ekosistem PayVX karena akan digunakan untuk tr