
Сообщения за март, 2018

What is Mira?

Mira is a software suite for buying, storing and sending cryptocurrencies in an easy and convenient way. The key element of the service is MiraBox, the encrypted container file, that can store one or multiple types of tokens off-chain, providing better protection for savings than any third-party storage, like exchanges or wallets. Buying and sending cryptocurrencies in MiraBox is as simple as downloading and sending a regular file, which makes it available for users with any level of technical expertise. Project Feature MiraLab was conceived as a P2P cryptocurrency exchanger with a simple and straightforward interface. The development of the idea was financed using our resources and investments from crypto enthusiasts. This year, the capitalization of cryptocurrency went up sharply, and the stock market volumes grew after it. The media picked up the topics of blockchain and cryptocurrency. It has become clear that development needs to be accelerated in order to take a foothold in t

IAM HERO - An AI driven Tokenized Job Matching Platform

INTRODUCING IAM HERO is a Platform that focuses on providing job services that use Blockchain technology and AI technology, resulting in a better and safer looking employer platform. IAM HERO will connect users with different types of companies through intelligent algorithms that have been designed by experienced and professional teams. IAM HERO creates a system, where users can match their work to their personality, which is better than matching jobs with individuals. IAM HERO is a renewable solution to career problems faced by workers. Getting Started Development The IAM HERO team developed this Platform using a directly integrated system and an innovative solution, which combines AI technology with Blockchain technology. IAM HERO develops a system where users can directly match their personal data or personality with existing jobs, so users can get better at their work. Everyone can create an online resume, which can be ordered by existing companies, related to the p


A BOUT LIX-PLATFORM LIX will primarily be a game project crowd-funding platform which will allow game ideas to become a reality fairly and efficiently. LIX will not only provide a faster and more convenient micro-transaction game-currency but will also provide for a full gaming infrastructure and economy to be used by publishers, studios and independent developers alike. Ultimately, with a fully committed LIX community, no longer will a billion dollar budget be required to produce and distribute a game – simply ideas. LIX wIill fuel the game economy by providing a platform to create and manage game assets which will be registered on a decentralized block-chain. Once registered on the block-chain, users of participating games can trade assets both in-game and through wallet exchange. The global gaming market will reach USD 108.9 billion globally in 2017, with an increasing share being made up of independent and hobbyist developers. Examples of in-game assets that would be tr

Platform Teknologi Blockchain Untuk Penerbitan Foto, Sharing dan Trading - TUBI

TUBI coin adalah platform sosial foto / video non-terpusat yang pertama. Mata uang kripto kita disebut TUBI. Kami adalah platform teknologi blockchain untuk penerbitan foto, sharing dan trading. Kami memastikan untuk memberi manfaat kepada setiap pengguna dengan memungkinkan berbagi foto dan video & penjualan konten kreatif di lingkungan web yang aman. Pengguna bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari pendapatan iklan. TUBI mengizinkan pengguna untuk mempublikasikan foto dan video, dan juga isinya akan dilindungi oleh teknik penulisan rahasia, sedangkan hak cipta akan dikelola dan dikendalikan. Platform ini akan memiliki sistem iklan derajat asosiasi sementara tidak menyakiti keahlian pengguna. Platform tidak akan mengambil komisi dari pendapatan iklan, pengguna digaji dari pendapatan iklan bersama oleh penayangan konten mereka. Tujuan TUBI adalah untuk mempelajari pengguna dan juga perlindungan kepemilikan konten. Fitur inti ● Value terus meningkat Pengguna dapat mengirim TUBI ke pe


Counterfeiting is the process of making, adapting, imitating or objects, statistics, or documents, in order to deceive. A crime similar to fraud is another deceptive crime, including through the use of objects obtained through forgery. Copying, studio markers, and reproducing are not considered counterfeits, though they may later be forgery as long as they know and wish not to be published. In the case of forging money or currency it is more often called counterfeiting. Consumer goods but also imitate when they are not manufactured or produced by the manufacturer or manufacturer are given on such labels or trademarks are marked by symbols. When object-invent is a record or document it is often referred to as a false document. ABOUT STOP THE FAKES StopTheFakes is a Blockchain-based decentralization service that aims to detect forgery and infringement of intellectual property rights, created on the Ethereum smart contract platform. Blockchain technology has been implemented us


  TIHOSAY:  THE LATEST INNOVATION IN THE CRYPTOCURRENCY REVOLUTION.  Official Website:  https://tihosay.io    In my previous article, I made mention of my three point investment quality to rank a project if it’s viable or not.   If you didn't read that article, well let me refresh by highlighting them. One of the points is Uniqueness of Technology/idea/product. Another is the Adoption.  Once a project can gather the mass, it’s surely one the road to success. Look at Bitcoin and Ethereum. They hold large userbase that is why their successes is seen everywhere. The last of the three points is marketing. No project can succeed even if it has achieved the two points above.  But it should be known that before adoption can be achieved; there would be critical and ingenious marketing. Nobody will hear you if you do not stand up and blow the alarm. With that, let’s proceed unto the issue of this article. There is a popular saying which goes thus " if you are not the FIRS

INVESTA - Lelang Koin Untuk Alokasi Pra-Penjualan

Selamat malam, Saya akan menjelaskan tentang INVESTA ! Investa menawarkan platform unik layanan crypto gratis yang bekerja sama untuk memungkinkan pengguna kami mengelola dan menginvestasikan Crypto mereka dalam portofolio terkelola. Investa telah direkayasa untuk menawarkan pengelolaan dana crypto terbaik, investasi ICO, pinjaman, kartu debit prabayar dan jaringan ATM. Dan ini memulai Program Hadiah Resmi untuk memberi penghargaan kepada pendukungnya dengan token INV. INV adalah blockchain mencari terbuka dan non-sewa yang memfasilitasi pertukaran, kepercayaan rendah gesekan aset berbasis Ethereum Didukung oleh Platform Realm. Pengembang dapat menggunakan INV sebagai platform untuk membangun aplikasi pertukaran di atas. PENGENDALIAN DECENTRALIZED Investa dijalankan sebagai perusahaan swasta, tetapi akan selalu benar-benar diikat dengan pemegang koin dan pengguna, saat kami berinovasi, kami harus melakukan iterasi. Untuk menghasilkan produk yang optimal, kami akan meminta k

Overview Streamity ICO

Streamity platform Table of contents: Streamity platform Goal Problems and solutions Benefits How does it work ICO Details Conclusion WebSitе Streamity platform Streamity is a multifunctional decentralized platform that allows you to perform operations with digital assets. With the help of StreamDesk integrated into the platform, users can exchange digital currencies for fiat funds, without intermediaries. Openness, transparency and security are provided through smart contracts. Streamity is a technological platform, allowing to use almost all the possibilities of blocking technology. The services of the platform operate in the form of decentralized applications (Dapp) on the blockroom. The main and first Dapp within the project will be the StreamDesk service for the exchange of crypto-currencies. Operations in the system are carried out at rates as close as possible to exchange rates. A smart contract is responsible for the product of the exchange. The lat