

Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about the crypto coins and a follower of good projects. In this new publication I would like to present the  BIXTRIM  project to you. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but  BIXTRIM blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we're going to the following topics: If we observe how society has evolved, from tribal societies we have moved to a different social structure in the modern world where people work in a specialized way and can do so in a global environment, from anywhere in the world due to the advent of technology and Internet. Today, the crypto-currency market has a rather narrow specialization for a small group of people, and since the market is still only at the stage of development, there are a number of issues that are hampering this broader market. I will consider five reasons why I believe that BIXTRIM will be able to solve this problem an


Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about the crypto coins and a follower of good projects. In this new publication I would like to present the  BIXTRIM  project to you. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but  BIXTRIM blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we're going to the following topics: If we observe how society has evolved, from tribal societies we have moved to a different social structure in the modern world where people work in a specialized way and can do so in a global environment, from anywhere in the world due to the advent of technology and Internet. Today, the crypto-currency market has a rather narrow specialization for a small group of people, and since the market is still only at the stage of development, there are a number of issues that are hampering this broader market. I will consider five reasons why I believe that BIXTRIM will be able to solve this problem an


PENGANTAR Akhir-akhir ini, kata kunci Blockchain selalu berubah menjadi konsep yang paling geli dalam inovasi dan pengiriman di planet ini, serta di Vietnam. Vietnam telah berubah menjadi penghentian penting bagi inovasi Blockchain di kawasan Asia-Pasifik. Para ahli mengatakan bahwa inovasi Block Tie akan membuka pola potensial dalam aplikasi di belakang, pelatihan, layanan manusia, ritel, komunikasi media, dan sebagainya. Meskipun demikian, ini tidak berhenti, ide yang maju tercipta ketika pemanfaatan rantai persegi digunakan sebagai dinamika yang bertujuan untuk melewati batas-batas pinggiran, domain, bayangan, ras dan agama dalam hamburan sosial. tindakan (kewajiban terkait jaringan). TENTANG TWOGAP TwoGap Crypto Platform dibingkai untuk membawa peluang bagi Crypto Investor untuk mendapatkan produk pemecah kerugian skala besar dan terbesar. Ini dikenal sebagai CryptoBond. Tahap TwoGap akan membantu penjamin dengan mengenkripsi Obligasi konvensional ke CryptoBonds, yang d

BRAVO ICO - Работающее приложение для платежей внедряет Blockchain!

Всем большой крипто-привет! В поисках очередного проекта в бесконечных дебрях интернета, я наткнулся на очень интересный по-моему мнению проект  BRAVO . В данном обзоре, я расскажу почему считаю его перспективным и интересным для инвесторов, которые не боятся вкладывать свои средства в столь рисковые, но в тоже время весьма прибыльные инструменты как ICO - стартапы. Но для начала немного предыстории... Нельзя отрицать тот факт, что наличные деньги уходят в прошлое. Всё больше и больше развиваются технологии безналичных платежей, однако вместе с ростом цифровой наличности, появляется множество проблем. В первую очередь это конечно проблемы безопасности, ежегодно по всему миру с помощью различного рода мошеннических схем, крадут миллионы долларов с банковских счетов клиентов. Помимо проблем безопасности, существуют и другие, такие как централизация и полный контроль третьими лицами над финансами людей. В 2008 году, на фоне глобального кризиса, когда деньги людей обесценились почти

Tedchain: Making Gaming Experience more Attractive and Interesting

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” — this is an aged long reality statement meant to illustrate the effect of recreational and entertainment activities in life. A game is an important and most popular source of recreation and entertainment to man. A game can be taken as an activity designed to entertain or educate someone. Gaming is as old as human existence on earth, its importance and contribution to mankind cannot be overlooked in any manner. In the modern day world, gaming has been greatly influenced by the revolutionary trends in technology, ranging from video games on tv sets to games on mobile devices (smartphones) etc. One of the advantages of the present day gaming industry is its noneconomic volatility –the game market has always witnessed successive and massive growth over the past few years with little or no economic downturn within these past years. What are the benefits of games? This question may seem simple, yes, because a kindergarten kid could ea